They Used to Go to the River to Tell It Their Secrets

Exhibition with Hsi-Nong Huang.

Conclusion of the Sculpture and Woodwork Fellowship at the City and Guilds of London Art School 2022-23.

Vauxhall has been cited as having the oldest surviving structure in London – remnants were found of a Bronze Age pier, the timbers of which can be seen twice a year at low spring tide beneath Vauxhall bridge. It is believed that this structure is not a bridge, but a jetty (from the French jeter, to throw) as a point from which to cast objects and offerings to the tides. Having started life on a council estate in Vauxhall, this year spent as a fellow at City and Guilds, has felt like a cyclical journey. I have been re-exploring the locale, with particular focus on the river and nearby beaches. This mystical meeting point where from west to east water meets land and sky, has been the site of interest to me over the past year. It is a return, to an anchoring, in a place that has changed through time and over my lifetime


I would like to thank Ana Kazaroff, David MacDiarmid and everyone at City & Guilds Art School for this opportunity, Tim Offredi - without whom none of this would have been possible, Hsi-Nong Huang my fellow fellow, and my colleagues at Kingston School of Art for their endless help.

Photos by Andrew Watson and Gillies Adamson Semple